Sunday, February 28, 2010

is only army is the way 2 serve nation

normally the thinking of a comman lay man is the serving the nation

is to havinhg an army job but in the moderen world if all persons go for army then hoew can our economy run and the war for accuring wealth should be started so accurding to u wat r the ways to serve economy and save our economy other than it


sarmad said...

in every field we can serve our nation by doing our job faith fully

Unknown said...

its one of the way to serve but not the only way... v can serve our nation in any feild 4rm wch v belong.. a minster to a sweaper evry1 can serve the nation in its respctd field through fulflng duties honestly n through harwork.

asim said...

no its abousltely wrng.its nt complsry jo join Army for servng d nation.thr z a need of strength,devotion,hardwrk n willingns to serve with all ds a person can serve the nation in the field he belongs to.

Unknown said...

no its wrng conception ny1 can sreve the nation through the ways feasbl to him n army z one of the way but nt the only way.

Unknown said...

dis z wrng thinking wch shld b change cz if ppl will hav sch thinking dn most of patriotic ppl will join army instd v need sch ppl in our polititcs n on higher post so they can serve nation in mr better way so i disagree with the statement abv cz evn a stdnt can serve the nation by studyn full ny1 can serve nation through its respected field.

Unknown said...

army z one of the best way but not the only way to serve d nation we as a citizen of ny state can serve our nation through wtevr wrk v r doing r wtevr desgnation do we possess.

shahzad said...

in evry field v can serve our z v obvious field considered for serving the nation bt v can serve directly r indirectly through ny its wrong if we say tht only army z the way to serve.

amber said...

no its nt the only way.we can serve our nation through wtevr wok v do r v r capable for bt the condition z that v work devotedly n honestly.

Unknown said...

ny1 whoz doing sm kind ov work is directly r indirectly serving the nation with his skills r qualification so its wrong if we say that only army z the way to serve the nation.

Unknown said...

no its abousltely wrng.its nt complsry jo join Army wok v do r v r capable for bt the condition z that v work devotedly n honestly

sarmad said...

would like to say: Sir, not all the members of my generation are money seeking hedonists. A friend of mine is currently touring remote villages in Maharashtra, working on health care projects. Another dissolved a consultancy he had set up with six years of hard work and effort, because he did not want to work for MNCs.

qaiser said...

no not only army i think every pakistani should do that

zain said...

I would like to say that role of youth in the economy play a vital role becaue as our economy is going back to back the youth can handel it by taking keen interest in the economy.

Unknown said...

no its not the only way to serve our nation we can serve the nation through our respected field.

yusra said...

we can contribute in the development of our economy or in other words v can serve our nation through any field of life.if v r willing v can serve the nation through our respected field.

fiza ali said...

no its wrong army is not the only way to serve the nation.the requiremnet of serving nation is not to join army bt devotion hardworking n willingns to serve n a person can serve through itsc respected field.

Anonymous said...

NO!!!army aint the only way 2 serve da nation ,since army has itx basic role as being da protectant o as da safeguard vo da aint da responsibilty ov an army officer or any serving person in the army to govern over da Ppl rather it can serve 2 be da guardianX ov ny country...
thea r so many odr ways 2 serve da nation,some odr responsible personnelx cn srv any nation mch bta lyk d judiciary,d studntx,d politicianc,dctrx o odr lYk mamberx ov human ryt etc

Unknown said...

nope its nt the only way to serve the nation v can serve our nation through ny ngo r as an individual by ny voluntary work benifical for our nation, thrz nt the hrd n fast rule that only army z the field thrgh wch nation can b served.

Anonymous said...

v can serve our nation from our respected field v can not specify a particular field for serving the nation so its not true.

Unknown said...

its wrong army z not the only way to serve the nation v can serve our nation through any field of lyf.

Anonymous said...

not at all v can serve our nation by working in any productive field the only thing needed is to be devoted nd honest to ur work

Anonymous said...

obviously not it is not the only way even as a student v can serve our nation by working hard and be attentive to what we r studying

Unknown said...

we can serve our nation in many ways while working in different fields....but we should be faithful in our profession and do our best......

Unknown said...

It is not neccessary that to serve our nation we should be in army.......

Unknown said...

yes army is the way to serve the nation but not the only

Anonymous said...

not at all everyone can serve his/her nation by contributing in any progressive field of life

asim said...

its not the only way to serve our nation v can serve the nation through the field v belongs to.

Unknown said...

not really army is not the only way to serve the nation by working honestly in our respective fields

Unknown said...

obviously not a nation not only need security and safety but for the progress of a nation progress is needede in all fields so everyone has to be honest to his respective field.

faraz said...

the army is now a day tottly courpt and only run by the high offials which is playing with our lives such as the war in fruntire areaas

faraz said...

we can serve our country by positive frame of mind

Unknown said...


Yeah, Youth is the future..
I'm also one of them.. And I wish everyother young gun of Pakistan would realize that entertainment is not everything.. you also have some social responsiblities.. stand up and say
" I'll not allow anyone to destroy my society.. I'll nt allow anyone to steal my nation's money.. "

Imran you're our hope.. We are looking at you.. We know you're the one who can bring change to people of Pakistan..

sarmad said...

Thank you very much. Yes, small drops of water makes the sea. I hope everyone gathers in this peace work and make a sea and then an ocean of love and peace.

sarmad said...

Thank you very much. Yes, small drops of water makes the sea. I hope everyone gathers in this peace work and make a sea and then an ocean of love and peace.

Unknown said...

Very true, I guess I’ll make a bridge to walk over those hurdles and move forward

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