Tuesday, March 2, 2010

is bollywood abstracting our youth or not

now a days its a common obeservation that the bollywood is the most famous for deliverying movies by time by time and even one movie per 10 days and in pakistan the youth is most crazey afer seing certain things and try to act lihe them.Bollywood is the informal term popularly used for the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; it is only a part of the Indian film industryBollywood is the largest film producer in India and one of the largest centers of film production in the world The name is a portmanteau of Bombay (the former name for Mumbai) and Hollywood, the center of the American film industry so tel wat do you think about it thats its abstracting our youth or not


sarmad said...

if i take mine oersonal example that our economy is suffering alot in the sence of culture and tridations of indian culture

Aamer Zafar Ansari said...

hmmmmmm they are 110% spoil our youth.this is the tact to change tbe minds of the youth and u r right they are spoiling our youth and also our culture our people like to take in hindi and use too many wards of hindi in this it is necessery to band the movies of india in pakistan.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

they are shoeing vilguar things which are not our culture

Anonymous said...

they have influence on our youth

Unknown said...

its true that indian movies are spoiling our youth bt thr z another point cmz ot ov it that when our youth z realizn their intentions so y dnt v take it jst as an entertainment on 1 side v say tht they are spoiling us n on another hand v r ready to gt spoiled, y v say to ban indian movies sch actions create clashz btwn the countrz, y dnt v mk our selves strong engh patrotic and keen to adopt whts in our cltr. although its true bt i disagreee to sm extent cz its weakns of our chrctr n faith tht ny1 can harm us r uz us in the way they lyk:(

fiza ali said...

ya its true indian movies are spoiling our youth alot there z v strong influence of indian movz on our youth they nt only divert our atentions 4rm economical prblmz bt also strayn us frm rght path.

Unknown said...

its true that movies hav v negtv impact on our youth bt b4 tht impact thrz a biggest loss occur n tht z tym wastg.cz tym z money n v ws8 alot of money in ds sense whch z really hrmfl for our economy.

asim said...

they r spoiling our lang nw a days most ov the hindi wrds are comnly being used by us n v r also adoptng sm ov there traditions to avoid sch changes n influence Indian movies shld b banned in pak.

amber said...

they have influence on our youth.they not only spoils the personal chractr bt also perverse our youth.

Unknown said...

these days r youth z not intersted in political r economical affairs they r jst intersted in recreation n sm bd actvts ds all z because of movies so its obvious tht bollywood n hollywood iz destroying our nation slowly n gradually.

yusra said...

sm tym they shw sch thngs whch r against moral values wch defntly reprobate our youth.

Unknown said...

yes they hav v negative effect on our youth.

shahzad said...

yes they have negtv influence on our youth.

Anonymous said...

ya its true tht it has gr8 influence on our cltr,tradition,lang n even on our behaviours.

Anonymous said...

It really depends on what movies you show the youth. Like if you showed them family movies like: Khabi Kushi Kabhi Gam, Kal Ho Na Ho....etc. Then it would have a good family-loving, togetherness impact on the young.
But if they were modernized movies like: Cash, Dhoom, Dus,....etc. Then they're probably going to have their personality grow and attach to the fighting, action, inapropriate kind of films.

Unknown said...

hmm its true they r spoiling our youth n diverting the mind set off youth from their duties toward nation n economy to the recreation zest n luxuriation.

Unknown said...

its absolutely correct tht Indian cinema z spoiling r youth as v knw tht v r nt strong engh to stop ourselves from watchn thoz movz so our govt shld tk serious action in ds regard n ban indian movies n channel.

Anonymous said...

yes they r spoiling our youth n diverting focus of youth from economic problem to the uzless activities.

Anonymous said...

wel accurding to me thetre are sum movies lyk tarey zameen per and 3 idiots are good which can aware our yoth to the new education trends and we can mold our selves accurding to it

Unknown said...

accurding to me the are making movies to change our mind set 4m the natural happenings and molding our culture 4m our basic values

Anonymous said...

evryone sayin dat it'z nt goo...plz tell me dnt u watch thm....
khushi khan

Anonymous said...

wasay hai tu...mgr still v cnt blame thm....u knw aur bhi bouht si cheezain hmay kharab krti hain!!!!khushi khan

faraz said...

the indian movies and changing our viws to to broder and valgur seens which is changing the thinking of our youth eg jism,kurban ,aksar

yusra said...

wel i hate the indian movies and also the pakistani as well an in fact they are infecting our youth and mak a trend of watching every new movies to watch

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