Tuesday, March 16, 2010

cell phones effecting the youth

thje cell phones are playing with the

youth and diverse there attantion
Special cell phone packages affecting youth’s education: Survey
The reckless usage of mobile phones is causing environmental pollution and has also become one of the major causes of road accidents. A group of students from Edwards College, Peshawar have conducted a survey and interviewed focus group, in which it was revealed various special packages offered by the operators have become a source of pollution which are detrimental to the future of youth and that there is a need for legislation to regulate its usage.The survey further revealed that free SMS and free night packages were spoiling the youth, especially students, in many ways. Many of the interviewees said majority of the students utilized the special packages late in the night which affected their studies, and even in some cases they could not attend their colleges and schools in the morning.The students also held meetings with the lawyers, who told them that so far no legislation had been made to regulate the usage of mobile phones. However, Additional Advocate General told the students that the government was aware of the predicament and soon a way out of it would be worked out.Some experts also told the students that use of the mobile phones also contributed to the noise pollution, besides various negative effects on the brains of users


asim said...

sooo true cells r spoiling our youth.its jst wstage of tym.its a little evil in our pockets.

Unknown said...

@asim yup there are much more drawbacks of cell phone bt its also very useful device we shld se both sides of pictr instd of arguing on 1.i thnk u mst hav a cell bt for a useful purpose..rite??

asim said...

@sabeen thr are some of its advantages bt apparently i found it useless n our young generation is ws8n alot of tym in chit chatting n moreover different netwrks lowest calls n sms pakages makin its mre harmful.

fiza ali said...

hmmm its true, cell phones if uzed in a useful manner then i dont think tht they playing r diversifying the attention bt they way v r using them is the reason tht v find it a harmful n spoiling:(

Unknown said...

@all its true its diversifying the attention of the youth but with this i have noticed sm other drawback of cell phone.
.its breaking the family unit.
.its the biggest addiction.
.its has swallowed the innocence of our younger generation.
.it has increased corruption.
.its wastage of money and tym.

Unknown said...

@tehseen u have pointed out very valid points bt i think that in todays chaotic world its the biggest n quick way of communication.and its also the best way to share information.

Anonymous said...

nope the cel phones are makink the youth aware of all the news and circumstances and now a day the cel has become a need for all of us


sahrish kiran said...

respect your opinion fasiha but hold a different position. I am not sure if the undeniable evidences in the literatures support your position as the vast uses of mobile phones in education is gaining useful attention and research with well-defined advantages.
I strongly believe that if you have look up the literatures you will perhaps see that issues of connectivity, cheap cost and wide spread uses of mobiles phones around the world and especially developing countries where electricity and broadband have continuosly hindered implementation of technology in education as some of the advantages anyone could point at and this is constituting serious thinking among educators around the world. Yes there could be wrong uses of it but I will say that it is the same with wrong uses of secondlife which some 'hates' because it is common to see bad sexual practices there. Like any tool it could be used well or badly but it does not dismiss its importance.
Technology is evolving and so all the points you raised are not beyond what human mind could tackle. I therefore support this project

Unknown said...

According to my point of view mobiles are become the part our life.But on the other hand we are using the facility in the wrong sense I mean that using the mobile in the class, SMS class mates during the lecture, watching adult clips on the mobiles and many wrong things are going on.
I suggest that during the lecture mobiles switched off permanently and if not then then strict actions should be taken against the student at the spot and punish them for there negligence.

Anonymous said...

fully support the view that mobile phones may have myriad potential uses. The extent of its acceptance and use in the developing countries in every day life is phenomenal. Hence it offers the greatest potential if rightly used and harvested in education sector.


sahrish kiran said...

You keep it with you all the time and everywhere. You take it with you in an important meeting. You are discussing an important aspect of the budget for approval. At this point the mobile beeps and you get distracted from the important thing that you were discussing. Take another situation. You are on a vacation and relaxingJust then the mobile vibrates and when you receive the call it is just another sales advertisement by the service company. It gets annoying at times. It is everywhere with you. Now you have to draw the line when to use it.

Unknown said...

@sahrish ya dear u r v rite.
@sarmad i thnk for u its jst bad to use it in class my dear making. stk to cell phone for whole day also distrub study.other major drawbk is making wrong calls n friendships is v common dz days.specially teen agers are getting toward bane-fullness jst due cell phones.

Unknown said...

fasiha even u r using it in the college days i rembember when u ver in the b.com v ver makin chat those days 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear friends,

Let me inform you about our literacy programme with mobile phones.

We are implementing this programme with a NGO and a Mobile carrier.

The idea is simple. By sending many interesting SMS in national language to learners (adolescent girls) every day and night , we try to keep up/enhance their literacy.

Learners are really having fun to read and write messages. Simply, they love to receive and send messages among friends.

Due to inadequate capacity of the mobile phone ($ 28) we provided, we can not send longer messages in Urdu.

However, I am sure that learners will have inexpensive smart phones like iphone, HTC, Blackberry, etc with gmail/hotmail/yahoo in due course (5 – 10 years time).

Then, we will be able to share more interesting texts, info, documents, and stories without any significant cost and interactions among learners will be unstoppable.

Though there are pros and cons in this approach, I am hoping it becomes the de-fact standard to eradicate illiteracy.

Your comments and advice would be highly appreciated. If you are interested in this initiative, I can send you the concept paper as well.

Best regards,

Ichiro Miyazawa
UNESCO Islamabad

Anonymous said...

Dear friends,

Let me inform you about our literacy programme with mobile phones.

We are implementing this programme with a NGO and a Mobile carrier.

The idea is simple. By sending many interesting SMS in national language to learners (adolescent girls) every day and night , we try to keep up/enhance their literacy.

Learners are really having fun to read and write messages. Simply, they love to receive and send messages among friends.

Due to inadequate capacity of the mobile phone ($ 28) we provided, we can not send longer messages in Urdu.

However, I am sure that learners will have inexpensive smart phones like iphone, HTC, Blackberry, etc with gmail/hotmail/yahoo in due course (5 – 10 years time).

Then, we will be able to share more interesting texts, info, documents, and stories without any significant cost and interactions among learners will be unstoppable.

Though there are pros and cons in this approach, I am hoping it becomes the de-fact standard to eradicate illiteracy.

Your comments and advice would be highly appreciated. If you are interested in this initiative, I can send you the concept paper as well.

Best regards,

Ichiro Miyazawa
UNESCO Islamabad

Unknown said...

@sarmad sir plz dnt gv xample frm sm1z personal lyf.

Unknown said...

well fasiha i rember u ver also using cell durring ur college n u ver makin sms vid me in ur b.com classssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yusra said...

Mobile phone usage in education will start with a supportive device for education. However future will be in mobile (convergent devices). This supportive activities are enrolment, monitoring, notification for the exams etc.

But this will be change as a search and record device and some extra add ins will help the exercises of the classes and to get aware of the environment.

I think there is a huge potential for these kind of improvements and there needs to be some structural change for the educational systems

Unknown said...

@ichiro it will be the most advantageous work done with the help of cell phones. gr8 job!!

Unknown said...

we shld be holistic n consider all the pros n cons of cell phone it will not b better if v consider only its disadvantages..its not the thing tht is gd r bad its v ppl who make it gd r bad.

shahzad said...

cell phones is being widely used in business dealings and in other sectors very usefully bt specially teenagers are using it in wrng way cz thr z no use of cell for thm so they uz it as a recreational tool wch intends to hamper their stdz n also destroy thr innocense.

Anonymous said...

mr asim u juz giv a statment juz likes the painds of the canada n we are not canandians

Unknown said...

Well, my experience with student creativity in exams shows that there are uncountable ways to use mobiles to cheat during exams, to collaborate on homework, etc. That is a much stronger incentive than any learning tools available for mobiles.

amber said...

due to a few people or a specific age grp we can't conclude tht usage of cell phone is diversifying the attention.adding to its advantages i mst say that its also way of advertising the informal business.i myself receive many msgs in whch they advertise small businesses lyk boutiques,painting exhibition etc.

Unknown said...

accurding to me When I was taking my online masters degree, while it was very convenient, I wished that i could use my mobile phone to get access to my classes instead of carrying a laptop around. I think it is inevitable that more mobile phones will be used for education worldwide

Unknown said...

sir would u plz xplain ur objection little more.

sahrish kiran said...

While the mobile phone is the most widely distributed information device available to citizens around the world, challenges remain: technical (e.g screen and key size, multiple standards), socio-economic (e.g. privacy, cost barriers) and educational (e.g. m-learning theory, repurposing e-learning materials

Anonymous said...

NO,i dont agree with this statement actually cell phones r not affecting youth but its misuse is affecting the youth.different companies ve given so cheap sms rates,call rates and different types of night packages that r disattracting the youth from thier studies. Ayesha

Naveed said...

Every Thing has dual effects. If we use it for good purpsoe

sahrish kiran said...


sahrish kiran said...

nice writeup. and i just want to say that when you are moving towards a goal people may start throwing stones at you now its up to u that whether u use them to built a wall in ur bath or a bridge towards a goal.

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