Friday, March 19, 2010

Media Effects on Teenagers

Media is an inseparable part of life for most of the teenagers. There are different types of mass media that are inherently a part of the routine life of teenagers – for example television, computer, mobile phone or a music player. Considering the current influence of media, we need to agree on the fact that media plays an important role in shaping up opinions of teenagers. Media is a double-edged sword and hence there are positive effects of media as well as negative influences of media. Positive Media Effects on Teenagers One of the most positive effects of media today is the ease with which teenagers have learned to embrace technology – be it the computers, Internet or the ipods. The teenagers have no phobia for technology. Media has also contributed to increase the overall awareness of teenagers about their surroundings. In addition to this, media has also resulted in enhanced overall knowledge and understanding of curriculum subjects owing to the vast information resources that the media has to offer. If managed properly, media can be effectively used to generate awareness amongst teenagers about issues like sex, sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy, drugs, alcohol and smoking.


sarmad said...

wel the media of the pakistan is effecting our youth too much by showing to much un real and attantion divertion videos

sahrish kiran said...

This exactly is required to lead the young generation in a proper fashion to tap their potential for the nation building. They are the future of this country and must struggle to strengthen PTI, the only party of the people having full ability to pull Pakistan out of dillema. We must attract expatriate to serve the country on volutarily with their full capacity for bringing a positive change, creating healthy and conducive business friendly environment with high flag of Pakistan at each and every spot on the earth

Unknown said...

Yeah, Youth is the future..
I'm also one of them.. And I wish everyother young gun of Pakistan would realize that entertainment is not everything.. you also have some social responsiblities.. stand up and say
" I'll not allow anyone to destroy my society.. I'll nt allow anyone to steal my nation's money.. "

faraz said...

media is grooming the young generation of pakistan samaa tv is one of the media group that give schlorship to different university students

Anonymous said...

yes media has great influence on youth

Anonymous said...

media industry has bring revoltion in the life of students

Anonymous said...

yes its true

sarmad said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sarmad said...

Thank you very much. Yes, small drops of water makes the sea. I hope everyone gathers in this peace work and make a sea and then an ocean of love and peace

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