Thursday, March 11, 2010

political instability in pakistan effecting youth

Recently[update] the Politics of Pakistan has taken place in the framework of a federal republic, where the system of government has at times been parliamentary, presidential, or semi-presidential. In the current semi-presidential system, the President of Pakistan is the head of state, the Prime Minister is head of government, and there is a multi-party system. Executive power is exercised by the government. Legislative power is largely vested in the Parliament

57% Pakistanis Blame Media for Political Instability
November 17, 2009 .
November 13, 2009 Perceptions on Media and Political Instability A recent Gilani poll conducted by Gallup Pakistan shows that despite being enthusiastic audience of media, more than half of all Pakistanis (57%) blame media for political instability in the country, 37% disagree while 12% of the respondents were unsure.
Important Note for the Reader: These views emerged in response to a national opinion poll on the topics of a recent debate aired on a prominent television channel (Pakistan Debates appearing on Geo and also on Aag and organized by PILDAT ( One of the topics of the debate was “Is media responsible for political instability in the country”. The debating teams comprised a combination of youth and prominent media/public personalities.
The recent Gilani poll was conducted in Pakistan by Gallup Pakistan, affiliated with Gallup International Association, among a sample of 2765 men and women from rural and urban areas of all four provinces of the country, during October 2009.


Unknown said...

wel if we go to a broder view we will see that there is even not a single politiction who is working for pakistan reather then his personal intrest and using youth for his sake

Unknown said...

i hope this percentage will increase in coming few months…. people are getting sick of this media
all the politicians are bad i don,t wanna defend any one
Altaf Hussain
every one no body deserve to be called a leader they are all united with each other
just playing game with poor and emotional pakistanis

Anonymous said...

think its the media which has revollutionize our thinkings…its media because of which we are sitting here and arguing with each other…its media that is showing us that who is eating how much…it is media who tells us whom to blame and whom to beleive……….

to the flip side of the coin….i think there are some good names who are creating awareness amongst the nation…but sometimes i feel like everyone is working on a specific agenda..still..its much better then 9 o clock PTV khabarnama….and i really dont think that the media has to be blamed fr politcal instability …may be that majority percentage dont like media because we as a nation are sik n tired of the same bad news every day after the other so most of us rather want to switch of our tellies before we get stressed so here you go that is why i really dont see any charm or attraction in media but for optmists they are doing a wonderful job.
sadia khan

amna saleem said...

politics has a very vital impact on the younger generation and people are really depressed with the current economic condition.

sahrish kiran said...

The true colors of this dictator have been obvious for quite a while now but this move to shut down such a respected and dedicated Geo Channel mkaes it clear that we are all subject to the wishes and whims of one man who wants us to remain obedient and blind and deaf to all the injustices he has spread.

I pray that Geo Team may be able to do their job soon (Ameen)... a job that they had been performing outstandingly by telling us what was happening in our country.

PLease don't give up hope, A new day will come and these tough times shall pass too. INshallah.

ALWAYS GEO! Our prayers and hopes and well wishes are all with Geo and its Team that are awaring the yoyth about the present conditions of pakistan

Anonymous said...

politics now a days is comments regarding dat!!!!!
khushi khan

Anonymous said...

obviously political instability in pakistn is affecting youth.people r getting frustrated with the present political conditions.all politicians are blaming one an other no one is willing to take responsibility.

Anonymous said...

well it is right that political instability is affecting our youth.they r mentally disattracted from their goals and cannot concentrate on thier studies

Anonymous said...

the political instability in pakistan is directly affecting our youth.government is not taking interest in the development of youth.

Unknown said...

its right that political stability is effecting our youth..politicians are not interseted in devlpmnt of country they r fightn for seat or r united to reave the countries treasure..n the other point tht u rise z absoultely wrong media z awaring the people abt wht dz politicians are doing they are not at al responsible for the political instability.

shahzad said...

political instability is due to osculation of politicians n nt the media n whch z effecting badly not only youth bt whole nation:(

Unknown said...

imran khan is providing a platform to youth to cum up with him and serve the nation 4m the present crises whereas others are lobbyists. He marches to the beat of a differernt drummer and I do believe he is a real man of integrity...not a blatant crook like most politicians. He has the potential for greatness if he can hold out against them..those who would rule secretly in his stead having him as only a puppet

Unknown said...

hmm its rite that political instability is effectin our youth alotOrdinary Pakistanis after having been thoroughly disillusioned with feudal lords, dictators, politician and agencies, have now pinned their hopes on mass Media. They believe this powerful tool will somehow reform Pakistan. The ruling elite will be forced to abandon their malpractices, governance will improve leading to better times for the downtrodden masses.its wrong if v say that media z reason behind the political instability.

fiza ali said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This nation has no dearth of national heroes who can be icons of struggle, honor and character for the youth. Give more of your airtime & space to them for they, not the characterless rich should be the role models for our youth.

Unknown said...

This nation has no dearth of national heroes who can be icons of struggle, honor and character for the youth. Give more of your airtime & space to them for they, not the characterless rich should be the role models for our youth.blaming others is useless strength of youth is above all, united youth can achieve its goals in any conditions.

amber said...

Encourage and promote the bright and industrious students / workers who, despite hardships, stand out in their own fields or do worthwhile projects, as talent yearns for, and thrives on appreciation. Glorify the common man’s struggle. The ordinary Pakistani is braving untold sufferings like mounting inflation, a nonexistent healthcare, battered transport and rotten educational system. There are countless unsung heroes who need to be projected for the greater good.sch youth is getting adversely effected because of political instability.

Unknown said...

yup its true that political instability is effecting our youth new talent is not getting the paths n support from our government due to whch our youth is effected badly.

yusra said...

A Successive set of selfish & slavish regimes have hammered in an acute sense of inferiority complex in the nation & dented their self-respect. On the contrary, Allah has bestowed upon this great land of 180 million people, infinite bounties both in resource & talent. They are as industrious, intelligent and brave as the best in the world. Return them the hope & confidence in their abilities and they will rise like a phoenix.but there is need of governments support and kenning.our media is doing great job in bringing talented n geniuses in front of nation so that they can b supported financially n to inform our sleeping politicians to help those who can serve the nation n do smthg for the betterment of the country.

Unknown said...

its rite tht political instability is effecting our youth. politicians are not at al all keen for the betterment of nation none of the politician is coming up with some projects that provide platform to our youth to prove there on the other hand our media is doing grt job n is not at all the reason behind the political instability.

fiza ali said...

Unfortunately, most of the media czars in Pakistan are playing the role of modern day Mir Jaffers & Mir Sadiqs who have sold away their faith, and nation’s future for sheer servility to their vested interests & foreign masters. That brings us to the crucial question of how should the Pakistani media be governed. Should it be a runaway enterprise, sans ethics or it needs to have a vision, guideline and code of conduct that determine its bounds. Few even claim that media is fourth pillar of state. Might be but constitution of Pakistan does not says so. If it is to assume such a prestigious role than it must have some audit system, some accountability procedures. media is mainly responsible for the political instability in country.

faraz said...

the youth is being played by the politiction im tottly against all the politiction bt i like sheikh rasheed who is mine ideal and working for economy and telling us true picture of the economy and highlighting the true problems of economy

sahrish kiran said...

WELL FRAZ im totally disagree 4m ur opinion u hv said that there is no one but there are fe3w who are making a vioce up and working 4 iur economy as well as youth such as imran khan is a examlpe of the such patriots

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